Rhodes Learns from the Things
Originaltitel: Rhodes Learns from the Things
Kurzspielfilm – Kanada
Produktionsjahr: 2013
Filmlänge: 6 Minuten
Regie: Alex Pop
Buch: Alex Pop, Vanda Ciuban Serban
Kamera: Alex Pop
Rhodes Learns from the Things
After listening to the things in the class talking, Rhodes learns that all the people are more or less equal.
The teacher tells Rhodes and the other children that all people are the same, later he hears the things in the class talking and tells them what he just learned. In the end he gets confused at home when he finds out from his father that people don’t eat the same amounts of food. He decides he has to let his teacher know about this discovery.
Darsteller der Jungenrollen
Arturo Rubio
Andrei Toma
Weitere Informationen
Dieser Film wurde von Ralf-S in die Filmliste eingetragen!
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